Full-Day Absences
If your student will be absent for the day, please call the Attendance Office 719-234-3801 as soon as possible to report the absence. Provide the student’s name, grade, and absence information.
Pre-arranged Absences
Prior to an absence of 3 or more days, a pre-arranged absence form should be filled out and sent to the front office. Please see the Student Handbook for a list of approved absences.
Student Check-in (Late Arrival)
Please call ahead if you know your student will arrive late.
Please walk your elementary student into the building to sign in.
Student Check-out
If checking your student out early, please call ahead. We will have your student waiting for you at the front office. If you are not able to call ahead, please plan for an additional 5-10 minutes for your child to pack up and walk down to the office.
A photo ID must be presented at check-out before a student can be signed out. It will be verified against the student’s record in Infinite Campus. The person checking out your student must be identified as the guardian in the Household section or be on the Emergency Contact List in Infinite Campus.
Additional Information About Student Checkout
A student will not be checked out with an older sibling without parental notification.
If you are checking out siblings from middle or high school, you will need to do that through their attendance office.
Early Dismissal Due to Weather
Please fill out our early dismissal form instructing us on what procedure you would like us to follow in case of inclement weather conditions that result in an early dismissal.